Dating Tips for Men: How to Get the Perfect Valentine’s Gift

This Valentine’s Day, you might be dreading how to find her the perfect gift. Indeed, some of the most common dating questions that we get from men is about what to get their girl. Whether it’s Christmas, her birthday or Valentine’s Day, getting her the right gift can be difficult to be sure. However, with these quick and easy dating tips for men on what to get your girlfriend for this Valentine’s Day, finding her the perfect gift is easier than ever before.

PresentThings To Not Get Her

There are some things that you should always avoid getting for a girl, no matter what stage of a relationship the two of you are in. These include:

  • Anything that’s really “for you.” This includes stuff like vacuum cleaners and blenders, but not lingerie — however, it’s a good idea to make lingerie a complimentary gift rather than a main gift.
  • Gift certificates. It’s lazy and boring and you’re basically telling her that you don’t know enough about her to pick out a gift. See also: cash.
  • Records, books and movies. These might have worked in college, but they don’t work anymore. They should that you know what she likes, but it’s so surface and common and doesn’t really say romance.

Avoid those three and you’re not going to mess things up too badly. However, our dating tips for men want you to go above and beyond that; Rather than just getting her a passable gift, you’re looking for the perfect gift. Well, how do you get that?

Finding Her the Perfect Gift

Finding the perfect gift for your girl is less about a formula and more about a process. There are some things that you can just never go wrong with, namely jewelry and shoes. Still, even when buying stuff that is almost guaranteed to please, you need to get the right shoes and jewelry for her. Here’s how you can make sure that you get the perfect gift for her, no matter what it is.

  • Talk to Your Female Friends: One of the best places to start your search are your female friends. Avoid hers: They’re far too likely to report back to her that you’re looking. On the other hand, your female friends know enough about her to help, but aren’t so close to her that they’re going to betray your secret.
  • Listen to Her: Women often talk about the things that they would want. This is especially true when there’s a gift-giving holiday coming up. Pay attention. Even if she isn’t going to come out and tell you exactly what she wants, she’s probably going to hint around the kind of things that she wants.
  • Keep a List: Somewhere, tucked away in secret, keep a list of things that she mentions that she wants. Maybe there’s one thing that she keeps talking about buying but never does. Regardless, throughout the year, she’s probably telling you exactly what you can get her for the next ten birthdays and Valentine’s Days… if only you can remember them when the time comes.
  • Intimacy Over Price: Rather than trying to be really extravagant and spend the most money, look for something that is going to show her how much you know her. If you spend a lot of money in doing so, she certainly won’t complain, but remember what mom used to say: It’s the thought that counts.

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