Sean Chuma, Professional BASE Jumper (Episode #262)

Sean Chuma, Professional BASE Jumper (Episode #262)

I will always jump as long as I can.  I always want to teach and tell my stories of my experiences.  I want to keep BASE moving into a positive direction.  It is a right of passage kind of thing.  Like being sent into the forest for the winter by yourself to return as a man.  It is a celebration of the acheivement of what man can do.  It is super human, ninja, gangster shit.” – Sean Chuma


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Base jumping. It’s a sport for all those thrill seekers who are looking to take their adventures to the next level. It is not meant for everyone, and you really have to be prepared for to take this on!

Sean Chuma from, is an expert BASE jumper and BASE jumping instructor from Idaho who joins us for episode 262. Having jumped from some of the tallest structures in the world he’s on the show today to talk about his personal adventures in BASE jumping, including many of his wild experiences from around the world.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • What BASE jumping is and why it’s misunderstood
  • Sean explains how it’s actually the next level of skydiving
  • Jumping off skyscrapers in Malaysia
  • Throwing his wheelchair-bound friend off the roof of a building
  • Evading the cops in South Africa
  • Base-jumping with a 102-year old lady
  • Where BASE jumping is illegal
  • …and more

Base jumping is not a cakewalk and not something to be taken lightly, it’s an intense adventure. Sean’s BASE jumping journeys have meant some not-so-serious police issues as well as a serious accident that almost cost him his leg. But if you have a passion, and an interest in it Sean’s got some great info he shares on how to get started!

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