How to Text a Girl From Work

When you work closely with people, it’s almost inevitable that you will feel some attraction toward them. Dating people from work can be complicated, but tons of people are making it happen right now. It might take a bit of a softer touch, but you can turn your workplace infatuation into a workplace romance after you know how to text a girl from work.

Tip #1: Capitalize on Your Opportunities

If a woman from work is texting you, text her back and don’t be afraid to make it more social. She might be finding an excuse to text you and you should hop on that opportunity. The important thing at first is to keep the conversational ball rolling.

Tip #2: Keep it Light

Start joking around a little bit. Keep the conversation light and playful and see if it goes anywhere. Make little jokes about things that have happened at work or things that you two have talked about. The important thing here is to be a little playful and see how she responds. If she’s joking around with you, chances are good that she’d be interested in getting together with you outside of work.

Tip #3: Start Building a Connection

If she’s joking around back with you, start deepening the connection you two are forming. Move the conversation further and further away from work. Start talking about common interests you might have discussed at work, the passions you have when you leave the workplace. This will start building a connection between the two of you that is independent of the fact that you work together. But be mindful of how often you’re texting, because over-texting is one of the 5 biggest mistakes guys make when texting.

Tip #4: Suggest Making Plans

Once the conversation has progressed to talking about extracurricular passions, there’s almost certainly a mutual attraction going on. Now is the time for you to suggest that the two of you get together some time. Think of the shared interests that you’ve been discussing. Do any of them lend themselves to the two of you getting together outside of work? Common interests and passions are a great starting point for any relationship, Go ahead and ask her if she wants to get together some time.

Tip #5: Make the Date, Then Get Out

Remember, the whole reason you’re trying to figure out how to text a girl from work is to spend time with her, not to write love letters via the phone. Once she agrees that she’d like to get together some time, make definite plans. Suggest a time and place for the two of you to get together. Talk about how each of you are going to get there.

Once all these logistics are out of the way, end the conversation by saying that you’ll see her then or at work, whenever you’re going to see her next. Save the in-depth conversations for when you two are together. Most of communication is body language and tonality, not the words you use. This is why in-person communication is so much more effective and meaningful.

Then, after you’ve gone out and you have some momentum, it’s time to have fun and turn her on over text.

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