Dating and Body Language: How You Can Level Up Your Game Tonight

body languageWhat if I told you that levelling up your dating game was as easy as paying a little more attention to your body language? There’s a powerful connection between dating and body language. Read on to find out why body language is so important and how you can make it work for you tonight.

Why Body Language Is Important

Only a slim fraction of communication has to do with the words we use. The lion’s share is related to our tone of voice and, much more importantly, our body language. What this means is that you can be saying all the right words exactly the right way and still not be communicating effectively. It also means that little tweaks to your body language can make a huge difference.

How to Make Body Language Work For You

There are a few simple, easy things you can do to start making body language work for you:

  • Stand Up Straight: Standing up straight projects confidence in a way that few other things can. Imagine a piece of rope attached to the crown of your head pulling you up and another at your feet pulling you down. This is a great way to start exercising proper posture.
  • Smile: Smiling has been a symbol that people are friendly and nonthreatening since we were still living in caves. Practice smiling with your entire face — not just your mouth — in the mirror before you head out. Remember what it looks and feels like. You’ll want to project that smile when you go out.
  • Arms at Your Side: When you’re out it’s best to keep your arms at your side unless you’re holding a drink. Putting your hands in your pockets or crossing your arms can make you look unfriendly or standoffish. A lot of men say they don’t feel comfortable or natural standing with their arms at their side. Look at yourself in the mirror with your arms at your side. Does it look unnatural? Practice standing this way and it will start to feel as natural as crossing your arms.
  • Walk the Walk: A confident walk is one of the best weapons you can have in your arsenal. Start watching movies with guys like Clint Eastwood or Humphrey Bogart. See how their characters walk, with a confident, manly gait. Try and emulate that, or pick your own heroes. If you’re having trouble, try getting a pair of combat boots or biker boots. Pulling your jeans over the top will conceal them if it’s not really your style. They’re sort of training wheels that force you to have a more confident and masculine swagger.
  • Talk on the Side: Often times men talk to women directly face to face. This can make conversation awkward and stressful. Instead, approach face to face, then pivot to her side and talk that way. As the conversation progresses, turn more toward her. This is a subtle way of showing confidence in addition to taking pressure off of both of you.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Touch: A little bit of touch can go a long way toward heating things up. Her upper back, her arms and her hands are all very “safe” places for you to touch her. Once you do, look out: She’s probably going to start touching you back and how.

Level Up Tonight

You want to project two things with your body language: Confidence and friendliness. Use these tools the next time you go out and you’re going to be amazed at the difference it makes in terms of attracting women.

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