
How to Get Over a Break Up

Make no mistake about it; Getting over a breakup is one of the hardest things that a man can do. However, the thing that you most need to know right now is that you will get over it. How do you cut down on the time it will take, though? And, more importantly, how do you best use this time for yourself so that you come out the other end ten times better than you went in? While getting over a breakup is never easy, there are some ways that you can make how to get over a break up easier on yourself.

Maintain Your Distance

This is a biggie. In how to get over a break up, you need to create distance between you and your ex. This is important for you to get your head back together. It’s also absolutely necessary for getting over the breakup. Hide her on social media and don’t go lurking around her page. The more you do that, the more you’re going to prolong the time that it takes you to completely get over it. Carve out some space for yourself — it’s the only way that you’re ever going to get over the breakup.

Invest Time in Yourself

At the same time, start using your newfound time and energy (relationships, even at their best, take a lot of both) to invest in yourself. Hit the gym, take a class, do all the things that you wanted to do when you were in a relationship, but never felt that you had the time to do. This is the perfect time to improve yourself; Not only is it a welcome distraction, it’s also going to make you much more “marketable” when you finally do get back out there and start meeting women again.

Get Out There

Of course, eventually you’re going to have to get back out there and start meeting women again or try to win your ex back. There’s never going to be a perfect time for this. In fact, you might have to “force” yourself to do it at first. That’s fine. The point is to just get out there and be social. You’re not looking for someone to replace your ex. On the contrary, it’s all about having fun, taking things slowly and getting the most out of the whole process rather than searching for your next long-term relationship.

Remember to always have fun and this is going to be the most important step.

Setting Goals for Yourself

Still, when going through the process of how to get over a break up, you need to set goals for yourself: How many times a week are you going to go out? How many women do you want to talk to when you get there? How many phone numbers do you want to get? How many dates do you want to be going on? How do you feel about girls with boyfriends?

We at The Art of Charm are big believers in quality over quantity. Don’t pick some huge number just for the sake of talking to tons of women. Instead, set modest and attainable goals that require you to stretch yourself a bit, but not too much. Remember that you’re focusing on quality, so don’t feel that you need to get a bunch of girls phone numbers just for the sake of meeting some arbitrary quota. Instead, focus on creating real connections with the women that you do talk to and getting phone numbers (and hopefully going on dates) with the women you find yourself most attracted to and interested in.

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