Seven Pieces of Bad Dating Advice to Ignore

Bad dating advice. Every man gets it from time to time. However, you might not know what pieces of bad dating advice you’re getting. Almost every man that comes to our couches for a boot camp with The Art of Charm has gotten some pretty bad dating advice at one point or another. Here are seven of our (least) favorite pieces of bad dating advice that every man should ignore.


Bad Dating Advice: “Girls Like Jerks”

For the most part, girls don’t like jerks. People giving you this dating advice are misunderstanding the situation: Jerks often get more girls because they put themselves out there more. Jerks who approach women a lot naturally have better luck with them than nice guys who never approach. Finally, “nice guys” can strike out because they’re too nice, not assertive enough and come across as needy.

The Art of Charm wants you to be confident, not a jerk.


Bad Dating Advice: “It Takes Time to Build Attraction”

Sure it does: A few minutes. Attraction is merely the impulse that leads one person to want to get to know another better. Better dating advice — the type of dating advice that The Art of Charm gives — is how to create attraction quickly.


Bad Dating Advice: “Don’t Call for X Days”

First of all, most guys text rather than call. Second, rather than waiting, we urge you to text a girl immediately after you get her phone number. This allows you to give her your phone number while also breaking the communication seal. After that, feel free to call her whenever you want. Don’t follow this classic piece of dating advice, no matter what the time limit is.


Bad Dating Advice: “Never Trust a Woman Who Sleeps With You Right Away”

Some of the best relationships start with sex on the first date. There’s certainly no rush to have sex with a girl. Whenever it seems right, do it. Don’t feel that you need to hold off because of some kind of rule about how you’re not supposed to have sex until the third date or whatever. At the same time, don’t feel the need to close the deal before you’re totally comfortable doing so.


Bad Dating Advice: “Compliments Make You Look Needy”

Compliments can make you look needy when you give too many of them without a firm basis. What’s more, we generally advise men not to compliment a woman’s appearance too much, as women generally want to be complimented for who they are inside, not what they look like on the outside. Give compliments when she does something to deserve them and be sparing, but effusive.


Bad Dating Advice: “Don’t Bother — She’s Out of Your League”

Really? Time for you to step up and join the big leagues then. We see it all the time here at The Art of Charm: Men who have trouble talking to women settling, shooting low and not getting what they want at the beginning of the week who are talking to the hottest women in bars at the end of the week — and knocking it out of the park.

Why isn’t that you? Because you’re following bad dating advice that tells you to not even try.


Bad Dating Advice: “Putting Her Down Will Turn Her On”

Maybe some very low-value women with low self-esteem will respond to this. But we don’t want you dating women like that. We want you dating women who are top shelf in every sense of the term. You’re not going to get them this way.

Blow up your phone with incoming text messages from women chasing you…

…women who find you irresistible, who wanna hang out with you and are planning dates for you.

If you’re tired of getting rejected and chasing women then…