Dating Tips for Guys – How to Leave Her Wanting More

There are a lot of dating tips for guys on the Internet, but if you truly want to achieve lasting success with women, you need to create the kind of energy that leaves her wanting more. When you say “Goodnight” after a date, or “Good Morning,” after a really good date, is she sad to see you leave? Is she eager for the next encounter? There are many things you can do to achieve that kind of response.

First, it’s important that you leave her better than you found her. In other words, if she was in a poor mood at the beginning of the night, she should be in a great mood by the end of the night. If she was in a pleasant mood at the start of your date, she should be downright giddy on the ride home.

If you want to make sure she has a good time, you need to have a good time yourself. Just enjoy the moment and have fun. A positive attitude is really contagious. Have a sense of humor, laugh and communicate passionately. The more fun you have, the more she will enjoy herself in your presence.

The feelings that you project are really important, because she’s not only going to experience those feelings when she’s around you; she’s also going to associate those feelings with you. Now would you rather be associated with feelings of awkwardness and self-consciousness, or feelings of fun and excitement? Which do you think will work more to your advantage?

Here are some important things to keep in mind when you want to make that all-important first impression, especially on a first date:

  • Keep it short. Forget about dinner and a movie. There will be plenty of time for that when she’s your girlfriend. When starting out, find something that will allow the two of you to genuinely have fun, like seeing a comedy show, playing miniature golf or attending a carnival. This will take the pressure off of connecting and allow the two of you to just let loose.
  • Appeal to her emotions. Did you know that riding on a ferris wheel invokes the same sorts of emotions as building attraction? So why not help the situation? Have as much fun as you can, but don’t forget that women are emotional beings who need a real connection.
  • When conversing, steer clear of interview questions. “So, what do you like to do for fun?” “What do you do for a living?” Avoid these kinds of questions like the plague. They’re boring and they only stand in the way of building a true connection. Find a topic that interests you both, discuss your true feelings about it and get her opinions as well. The more she shares her feelings emotionally, the more she’ll feel comfortable showing her attraction.
  • Tell her and show her that you’re attracted to her, but do it in a subtle way. She needs to know that you’re interested in her as a person and attracted to her physically, but most men fear that this kind of qualification will appear needy. The trick is to be subtle, sincere and non-validation-seeking in your approach.
  • You will need to show attraction verbally as well as physically. Don’t forget to touch! The forearms, the shoulders, the upper back…there are plenty of safe places to touch a woman without putting her off. It’s important that she not only see you, but feel you as well.

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