Be Irresistible to Women: Brighten Her Day (and Yours!)

Be Irresistible to WomenA cool side-effect of developing the type of charisma that will help you be irresistible to women is that it will also help you in pretty much every other area in your life.  Whether it’s getting along better with friends and co-workers, or just becoming the confident, happy person you know you can be, there’s no end to the benefits you’ll see when you focus on your own self-improvement.

For example, you probably know somebody who has a seemingly magical ability to pick your spirits up after a shitty day.  It’s not that they necessarily say all the right things, they just seem to radiate positivity and it’s contagious.  When somebody has that effect on you, whether it’s a guy or a girl, you no doubt want to be around that person more.

Well, women are no different.  If you want to be irresistible to women, you’ll want to have that same impact.  Women want a guy who can make them feel good.  If you can come in and give her just a little jolt of positivity to boost her mood, she’s going to want you around.  If you can be that kind of person all the time, not only will more women be drawn to you, but keeping them in your life will be easy.  That same thing that got her attention in the first place – your ability to brighten her day – is always going to be something she needs.

Rather than learning little lines to trick her into thinking you’re this kind of person, it’s actually much easier (and far more rewarding) to simply become that kind of guy.  The guy who can smile at anything, enjoys life, and appreciates the people around him.

The first step in becoming this type of person is to cut out negativity from your life.  This means keeping an eye on and redirecting your negative thoughts and actions.  For example, you don’t want to be the guy who talks shit and puts other people (or himself) down.  Some guys, when talking to a girl, start getting negative and say things like “man this place is so lame, everyone’s here’s such a douche” so they can look cooler by comparison.  This just adds negativity to the interaction, and you don’t want her to associate that with you.

There’s a simple practice you can do that will help you stamp out these negative thoughts and actions.  Wear a rubber band on you wrist and snap it anytime you notice negativity creeping in.  The sound and feeling of the rubber band snapping can help disrupt that thought pattern and then you can easily redirect your attention to something more positive.  I did this for a while, and if I was thinking about a person that was annoying me, I’d snap the rubber band and name three positive qualities that person had.   It got me to shift to a positive mindset rather than dwell on negativity.

You never know when an opportunity to meet an amazing girl will pop up, so the more you can keep yourself in a positive mind-frame the easier it will be to take advantage of those chances.  If you’re in a shitty mood because you’ve been thinking about the asshole that cut you off on your way home from work, it’s going to be harder to make that shift and be positive with the people you encounter.  If instead you’re in a good frame of mind because you’ve been reminding yourself of something positive, like how lucky you were that you weren’t in an accident, then you won’t even have to think about how to make a positive impression on that cute girl you pass in the parking lot.  It’ll come out naturally.

There’s a lot you can do to develop your own positivity and charisma.  When it comes to dating, there’s also specific communication methods that, when coupled with your newfound charisma and positive energy, will make you truly be irresistible to women.  After all positivity and charisma can only take you so far and if you don’t know what you’re doing it’s easy to wind up in the Friend Zone.

Blow up your phone with incoming text messages from women chasing you…

…women who find you irresistible, who wanna hang out with you and are planning dates for you.

If you’re tired of getting rejected and chasing women then…