First Date Fashion Guide

What to wear on a first date…If we had a dollar for every time we got asked that at The Art of Charm, we could probably retire from boot camps and live off the revenue. Instead, we’re going to give it all away right here. Finally, a definitive guide on what to wear on a first date to make a good impression. The answer is a lot simpler than you might think.

Step 1: Grooming

Before you start thinking about what to wear on your first date, take a shower — even if you took one in the morning. It helps you to get cleaned up, but it also invigorates you. Don’t worry about washing your hair; Most people do that too much, as you only have to do it two or three times per week. Clean your fingernails and trim the nose and ear hairs.

Seriously. Do that.

Comb your hair and throw on some deodorant and you’re good to go. It’s all pretty basic stuff, but basic stuff you need to pay attention to if you want to make the right first impression on your first date with your new girl.

Step 2: Getting Dressed

Now comes the meat: What to wear on a first date to impress a woman. Well, here’s how we break it down:

  • Shirts: When you don a shirt for a first date, make it a collared one. That can be a polo shirt, or a button-down or whatever else you feel comfortable in.
  • Pants: You’ve basically got two options when it comes to first-date pants, depending on how formal things are: You can wear khakis or dark jeans.
  • Jacket: You can always dress things up with a blazer if the occasion calls for it. It’s not like wearing a suit and tie. Otherwise, have a nice casual jacket to wear out. Peacoats can work really well for this.
  • Accessories: The main thing to remember here is that your belt and shoes need to match. Otherwise, just wear whatever you normally do, with one exception: If you typically wear a sports watch change it out for something a little more formal.
  • Shoes: Yeah, they’re accessories. They still warrant their own bullet point. Leave the running shoes at home. Get some casual or dressy leather shoes to wear out on dates. It’s one of the first things a woman is going to notice about you. Promise.

Step 3: Smelling Good

Smell is the sense most associated with attraction, mostly because it’s the one that’s going to be in her memory for the longest. It’s important to smell good on a date, but also to only be smelled when you’re right next to her. A good cologne is worth its weight in gold. Not only will it make her want to get a little closer to you, it’s also going to have her remembering you. If, by chance, your scent rubs off a little bit on her clothes, she’ll be thinking about you the whole way home. That’s a good thing.

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