
Ways to Get a Girl to Like You on the First Date

Unlock the secret to a successful first date with these five essential tips, designed to make her like you from the get-go. Looking for ways to get a girl to like you on a first date? Well, look no further. Below are five first date tips for men that can help any guy have such a successful first date.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose an enjoyable and engaging activity for the date.
  • Exhibit a fun, carefree attitude and positive body language.
  • Impress by being sociable and friendly with others around you.
  • View the date as a chance to find someone compatible, easing the pressure.
  • Lead the planning and logistics of the date to make her feel relaxed.

What to do on a first date

One of the surefire ways to get a girl to like you on the first date is to make the date fun and interesting. How do you do that? By picking an activity that the two of you would enjoy.

For instance, the two of you can cook dinner together, play mini-golf, or check out a comedy show/local band. It doesn’t have to be anything big. To have a great first date with a girl, just find an activity that:

  • You find fun/interesting
  • You think she’d enjoy
  • Will give you two a chance to talk and get to know each other

Now, simply meeting a girl for a drink at a bar is fine too, but activities (even if it’s just playing pool/darts at the bar) can make your first date better in a few ways:

For one, it’ll be different. Women want a guy who stands out from the others, and an activity date can certainly help you stand out from all those “dinner and a movie” guys.

Secondly, if the activity is fun, then the date itself is going to be fun. And she’s going to associate those fun feelings with you.

Third, activity dates make the first date conversation much easier. Not only is there no pressure to fill every second of silence, but the activity itself will give you something to talk about.

Finally, doing an activity on the first date allows you to filter out the fun girls from the not so fun ones. After all, dates aren’t just about figuring out how to get a girl to like you. They’re also about finding the women that are right for you (more on this)

How to act on the first date

One of the key ways to get a girl to like you on the first date is to make sure you have a fun, carefree attitude. After all, the whole purpose of a date is to have a good time while getting to know each other. And if you’re able to have a positive attitude about it, then it’ll be easier for her to do the same. The result is going to be a successful first date.

What you want to do then is to set a fun, carefree tone to the date – and that starts with body language. During the date, be sure to smile while keeping your head up, back straight, and shoulders back. This will help you show a relaxed confidence (and feel more relaxed/confident) which is going to help her feel more comfortable as well.

Then, carry that warm vibe into your conversations with the girl by keeping the conversations light and fun. Begin with some playful banter, and continue to mix banter in through your first date conversation.

How to impress a girl on a first date

Most dating advice for guys focuses on how to interact with the girl. But keep in mind, during the date she’s going to be asking herself if you’re the type of guy she can introduce to her friends and family. That means that she’s going to look beyond simply how you treat her, and notice how you interact with those around you.

What to do on the first date then, is to allow her to see that you’re the cool guy capable of getting along with anyone. Being friendly and throwing out a bit of playful banter with the waiter – or anyone else the two of you may encounter – will show you’re the socially savvy guy she could proudly show off to her friends/family.

How to relax on a first date

One common dating mistake guys make stems from how they view the date itself. See, many guys will see a date as an opportunity to get a girl to like them. Guys who think this way spend the whole date worried about how they’re doing, which makes it hard to relax and show the girl a good time.

To avoid this dating mistake, you want to view your dates as an opportunity to find a woman that’s right for you. That means before you even go on a date you want to figure out what it is you’re looking for in a girl – her personality traits, values, lifestyle, etc.

This way, when you’re on the date, you won’t be so worried about whether you’re doing/saying the right thing. You’ll be more focused on whether or not this girl is living up to your standards. With that approval-seeking mindset gone, you’ll find it’s much easier to relax and have fun on the date- which is going to make you that much more attractive to the woman you’re with.

What women want from a date

If you want the girl to like you and enjoy herself on the date, then you’ve got to take control every step of the way. Deciding what to do, where to go, how long it will take – all that logistical stuff – it’s all up to you.

The ability to lead is something all women find attractive in a guy. And by taking on this burden of responsibility, it means that the girl you’re out with doesn’t have to worry about these things. She can just relax, go with the flow, and enjoy herself and the time you’re spending together.

Featured Question: How can you ensure a girl likes you on the first date? To get a girl to like you on the first date, engage in a fun activity, maintain a positive and carefree demeanor, interact amiably with those around you, evaluate her compatibility with your preferences, and lead in planning the date’s logistics.

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