How to Get Girls to Notice You for the Right Reasons

Getting noticed is great, but when you’re flirting with girls and trying to figure out how to attract women at the bars and clubs (or anywhere else for that matter), you must ask yourself: Am I getting noticed for the right reasons?

It’s an important thing to consider, because a lot of guys, when starting out with social dynamics, make the mistake of simply being loud and taking up space. They assume that by being the center of attention, they automatically appear confident and dominant, and therefore attractive. But the truth is a little more complicated than that.

Confidence is definitely sexy, and anyone with the courage to get out there and paint the town red deserves huge credit, but once you develop the ability to be outgoing, loud and funny, it’s time to start fine-tuning so that you can build attraction. Simply being boisterous may get people’s attention, but you don’t need to behave wildly to build attraction, and if you enjoy being the life of the party, you can raise your game significantly by incorporating some of these basic tips for attraction. Here’s how you can start getting noticed for all the right reasons:

  • Watch your body language. It’s the first thing that women notice. You can be the funniest guy in the world, but if you’re constantly hunched over or crossing your arms, you’re not going to make a good impression. On the other hand, strong body language and deliberate movements will get people’s attention in a good way.
  • Be social. A lot of guys walk into social environments and immediately start looking for the first “set.” But if you want to make a good impression in the room, you should just start being fun and social with everyone: bouncers, bartenders, cashiers, men, women, younger people, older people. Don’t just scope out “targets.” By constantly engaging all sorts of people, you’ll never look like a threat and will come off as a social dynamo.
  • Be self-amused. In other words, don’t take yourself too seriously, have fun, and enjoy the moment. When you’re truly loving life and having fun, people can’t help but take interest, and you will attract the kinds of people who also exude confidence and positive energy.
  • Feel good about yourself. Don’t let others dictate your self-worth, mood, opinions, etc…When you go out and have a good time, are you doing it because you’re genuinely pumped up, or because you’re hoping that others will like you? Don’t obsess about the thoughts and opinions of the women around you, or anyone else for that matter. When you feel good about yourself, you become more grounded and project more positive feelings to others.
  • Pursue your passions. What are you good at and what makes you tick? When we’re engaged in activities and causes that we love, we are at our charismatic best, and people who share these passions are naturally drawn to us. Do you love to surf? Are you active in a political cause? Are you an MMA enthusiast? Spend lots of time in these environments and have as much fun or motivation as you possibly can! You’ll never look more attractive.

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…women who find you irresistible, who wanna hang out with you and are planning dates for you.

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