How to Read Body Language

Here at The Art of Charm, we are asked by a lot of men how to read body language. It might not come naturally to you, but learning how to read body language isn’t that hard, either. So how to read body language? There are four main components, each of which we’re going to go through now.

Positive Body Language

When we talk about “positive body language” what we mean is the degree to which a woman is facing you. Picture a light coming off of her belt buckle. How much of that light is shining on you? When are you getting it? What makes her turn more toward you as the two of you talk?

As with all of the things that we’re about to tell you, don’t need to obsess over it. Just a little bit of attention, paid here and there to when she turns a little more toward you can go a really long way in helping you to build attraction.

Negative Body Language

The opposite of positive body language is negative body language, when she’s more turned away from you. One reason that you shouldn’t obsess over the angle of her body is because it’s going to change naturally throughout the course of a conversation. However, when there is a consistent pattern of her turning more toward you as the two of you speak, that’s good! On the other hand, if she seems to keep turning more and more away from you, that’s not good.


When a woman touches you, even when it’s “accidentally” or in passing, it almost always means that she’s into you. Take it for what it is and don’t be afraid to initiate a little bit of touch yourself. Touching her in socially acceptable “safe” areas like her hands, arms and upper back help to create a closer connection while also giving her permission to touch you back. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen guys really take off with a girl using little more than a simple touch on her upper arm.


How close is she standing to you? While she might be standing a few steps back out of regard for your personal space (or hers), if she’s basically standing on top of you, that means that she’s interested. Think about it: Do you stand very close to women that you’re not interested in? Of course you don’t. So if she’s standing right inside your bubble, she’s not doing it because she can’t hear you. She doing it because she digs you!

One last word in the “don’t obsess” department: The thing that you’re looking for it how all of these factors work together, not how each one works on their own. Learn to see the sum total of her body language, rather than concentrating on just one aspect of it.

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