How to Attract Girls in Your Friend Group

If you’re in a vibrant social group, you’ve already got tons of opportunities to go on dates. You might be thinking that you can’t attract the girls in your friend group, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, if you’re ignoring the girls in your social group as potential dates, you’re cutting off your right arm. The Art of Charm is practiced with showing men how to attract the girls in their circle and turn their girl friends into girlfriends. Here’s how.

Realize That You’ve Already Attracted Them

If you’re friends with a girl, there’s already some level of attraction there. In the first place, look at all the girls you’re friends with: Are there any unattractive ones in the bunch?

Probably not. And the reverse also applies.

But the other thing is that attraction comes naturally with friends. You guys already have common interests, a sense of humor and probably even shared goals and values. All you need to do is pivot from where you are right now. Unless you’ve been put in the friend zone pretty hard core, you’re in a great place.

Check out this article for tips on staying out of the friend zone.

Get Some Alone Time

One place where you might want to focus your efforts on how to attract the girls in your friend group is getting them alone. Have some one-on-one time with her, rather than time in the broader group. This is going to allow you the opportunity to create one-on-one attraction and rapport, rather than having to filter it through the group. It also makes a statement that you’re being a man about this. Rather than waiting for her to be in the group, you’re taking the initiative and having some time with her alone.

The Power of Touch

Touch is a powerful thing. It instantly creates a rapport that mere words never can. In fact, we notice that on our field night at The Art of Charm’s Boot Camp that touch is often the thing that accelerates attraction between our guys and the girls they just met the fastest. If it works for them, how do you think it’s going to work for you with girls that you already know? Like gangbusters, that’s how. But how do you touch her? Check out this article that we did on how to touch girls. It has everything that you need to know about bridging that gap and fundamentally starting to change the nature of your relationship with her for the better.

Sexual Banter

In addition to touch, don’t be afraid to give your banter a more sexual edge. This is what creates excitement and separates you from being “just a friend.” You don’t have to — and really shouldn’t be — sleazy about it. On the contrary, you want to be light, playful and fun. You want to have her laughing, but also have her starting to take you more seriously as a man and not “just a friend.”

Already stuck in the friend zone? We’ve got help for you there too. Check out this article we have about how you — not some other guy — can get out of the friend zone. When you’re done, let us know about your experiences.

Want to Effortlessly Attract the Girls You Want to Date?

Let’s face it, you’re killing it in your career, but when it comes to charming the socks off a stunning woman, do you feel like you’re just winging it? Imagine this: you walk up to her, hearts racing, palms a bit sweaty, but this time, you’re armed with more than just good looks and ambition.

What if I told you that with the right tweaks to what you’re already doing, you’ll tap into your natural charm? No more awkward silences or cringey small talk. We’re talking electrifying conversations that spark a real connection, making her eyes light up with excitement.

This isn’t just talk—it’s your new reality. Check out Conversation Magic, and let’s turn those stumbling words into smooth, confident dialogues that leave her eager for more. Ready to be as impressive in your love life as you are in your career? Let’s make it happen!

Blow up your phone with incoming text messages from women chasing you…

…women who find you irresistible, who wanna hang out with you and are planning dates for you.

If you’re tired of getting rejected and chasing women then…