Top Three Reasons Why Guys Breakup

There are as many reasons why guys break up as there are reasons that guys get into relationships in the first place. However, if you’re in a place where you’re wondering if your relationship is something that you should salvage or end, it’s time to start thinking about why other guys break up, and take a closer look at what men need in a relationship. At the end of the day, it’s going to come down to your decision about your specific situation. But knowing the top three reasons that guys break up can help you come to that decision through an appraisal of your relationship.

Fighting All the Time

The most common reason for breaking up is that the couple is fighting all the time. In fact, over one in five couples break up because of constant fighting. This one is pretty cut and dried as a reason for why guys want to break up: If you and your girl are fighting all the time it’s either time to put an end to things or it’s time to look for some serious outside help in the form of counseling. You wouldn’t be the first guy in history to fix his relationship that way and, especially if you’re heavily invested in the relationship, it can make all the difference in the world. At the same time, if you’re fighting over substantive issues, that might be a warning sign that it’s time for the both of you to move on. What men need in a relationship really isn’t all that different from what women need, and quite often, the relationship becomes toxic for both partners.

A Lack of Romance

Nearly half of relationships end because of a lack of romance or because one or both people want to be single again. This can be one of the hardest calls to make. Sometimes relationships just peter out. On the other hand, if you’re deeply committed to a relationship, you might want to look for ways to make things better again without breaking up. There are a number of ways that you can introduce some novelty into your relationship, such as going on an adventure together, taking a local staycation together or having a frank discussion about sexual fantasies that the two of you might be interested in. It’s not necessarily the easiest thing in the world to fix, nor an easy call to make in terms of whether or not it’s time to pull the trigger on breaking up. As with the above, counseling might be what the two of you need at this moment, depending on how invested in the relationship you are.

Someone Moved Away

It might seem pretty cut and dried that if someone moves away that it’s time to break up. However, you might want to make a go at having a long-distance relationship. They’re not for everyone and not everyone can make them work. For those who can, they can provide a relationship that’s more fulfilling than anything you’re going to get locally.

At the same time you might want to consider if one of you moving away isn’t a signal that it’s time for you to end things and move on. This is an area where you should consider the sum total of your relationship and whether or not it’s worth putting the work in to keep it going from afar.

Ultimately, what men need in a relationship is fulfillment. If you’re struggling to find that kind of fulfillment in your life, contact The Art of Charm today. We can help you develop the skills you need to achieve the fulfilling love life you deserve.

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