Do Long Distance Relationships Work?

It’s one of the most common questions bandied about not just here at The Art of Charm, but in the world of dating in general: Do long-distance relationships work? We’re of the opinion that they do. In fact, thanks to the magic of the Internet, it’s easier than ever to maintain a long-distance online relationship. Here are a few tips on how you can make it happen for you.

Keep In Regular Contact

Communication is always helpful in a relationship, long-distance or otherwise. So if you want your relationship to work, leverage the Internet and online communication to keep in regular contact. Skype dates can be a great way for the two of you to be together when you’re not actually together. Even something like watching a movie while the two of you “hang out” on Skype can be a great way to spend time together and bond when you can’t be in the same room as each other.

If you’re not in contact with each other on a regular basis, it’s going to make it really hard to keep the relationship going. What’s more, it’s going to be much easier for jealousy and mistrust to creep in.

Don’t Do It All Online

Just because you’re in a long-distance online relationship doesn’t mean you should do everything on the Web. One thing that can really add a bit to your long-distance relationship are letters and packages of the old-fashioned kind. Write her a letter or even just a little note to let her know that you’re thinking of her. Put a stamp on it and drop it in the mailbox. In the age of instant digital communication, it’s easy to forget just how meaningful more tangible forms of communication can be.

Make Plans

If you’re in a long-distance relationship one thing that can really make things suck is if you have no plans to see each other again when you part. It’s good to have some kind of plan in place for when the two of you are going to see each other again. It gives the both of you something to look forward to. What’s more, it shows an investment in the relationship that just leaving things hanging up in the air doesn’t have. You’ll both feel more confident and secure when you two have plans to see each other again.

Be OK With Being By Yourself

Looking for a way to kill your long-distance online relationship? Get all clingy and unable to function on your own. It’s important that you take time for yourself and do things that make you happy and fulfilled when you’re not in communication with your far away significant other. Shut down the online communication and read a book, take a class or hit the gym. Not only will it keep her attracted to you, it will also make the time that you’re not spending together a lot easier. What’s more, it makes the time you do spend together all the more valuable.

Make Her Feel Sexy

Not the easiest thing to do when all you have is online and other long-distance forms of communication, but you need to make her feel sexy even when the two of you aren’t together. How exactly you do that is going to vary from one woman to another, but it’s even more crucial when the two of you are far apart.

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