Top 6 Signs She Wants To Kiss You

If a woman is digging you she’s going to start giving body language signs that she wants a kiss. But these signs can be pretty subtle, so guys often miss them completely. To help you pick up on these subtle gestures so you don’t miss these opportunities, here are some body language signs she wants to kiss you.

Reading Her Nose: A Subtle Sign She’s Ready to Kiss

One sign a girl wants to kiss you is flared nostrils. This response means she’s taking in extra air in preparation to do something physical. And that comes as a result of feeling excited/aroused. So unless you are making her so mad she wants to slap you, when you see this sign it may very well mean she’s thinking about kissing you. (This tip is from What Every Body is Saying by body language expert Joe Navarro).

Now this signal may not mean much on its own. After all there could be other reasons for her nose to flair out. So when looking for signs she wants a kiss keep in mind that it’s important to look for clusters of body language signals. Seeing her nose flair once may not tell you much. But if you see it happen around the same time as some of the other body language signals mentioned below, then that will be a much stronger sign she wants a kiss.

The Look of Desire: How Her Eyes Reveal Her Intentions

When people like and enjoy what they are seeing their eyes will get wider and their pupils will dilate. So if you see her eyes are getting bigger and bigger as your interaction continues, it may very well mean she’s feeling more and more interested in and connected to you. And if she is holding strong eye contact with you at the same time, then that signal becomes that much stronger.

Of course there is a much more obvious eye signal to look for as well – “bedroom eyes”. That’s the eye gaze that suggests she’s thinking about getting physical right then and there. You don’t need to worry about “how to spot” bedroom eyes because if she gives you that look, you’ll feel it. Just be sure to step-up in these situations and make a move. If you wait for her to do something first, you’ll likely be waiting for a long time.

The Power of Her Touch: Interpreting Physical Cues for a Kiss

Touch is one of the most heavily used signs a woman wants you to kiss her. So if she likes you there’s a good chance she’ll find some excuse to touch you. And the more a girl touches you the safer it is to assume she’s interested. This is especially true if her touch becomes more and more frequent, and if you notice she touches you far more than she touches anyone else.

If you want to see this sign of attraction you may have to break the touch barrier first. Touch her with light, playful taps so you each get comfortable with physical contact. That will open the door for her to respond by showing her interest through touch as well. (For more on building sexual tension through touch check out the “Touch” episode in the Art of Charm toolbox here)

Lips Don’t Lie: Recognizing the Signs for a Kiss

If a woman is thinking about kissing you then she may start to become preoccupied with lips. She may start licking or rubbing her own lips – or her eyes will more-than-occasionally dart down to look at yours.

Of course, just because a woman licks her lips doesn’t necessarily mean she wants you to kiss her. For her it could simply be a self-soothing gesture, nervous habit, or compulsion of some kind. So before making any assumptions form the body language signs you read take time to get a feel for the woman’s baseline body language behaviors. See how she tends to act and once you have a feel for her basic habits, you can look at how she deviates from them to get a read on how she is feeling.

Open Body Language: Decoding Her Readiness for a Kiss

You can see signs she wants to kiss from how she positions herself. If she is facing you with open body language – her face, chest, and even feet are facing you, her arms are by her sides (and not crossed as a “barrier” between you) – then she is sending strong signs of interest. Also, let’s say she is comfortable standing close to you (so close that you are sharing the same personal space). If she doesn’t have to be that close (maybe the bar isn’t very crowded), then it’s a strong sign she likes you and wants a kiss.

Not sure whether or not a girl is close enough to be in your “personal space”? If it was a guy who was standing that close to you, would it feel awkward? Like you would want to take a step back? If so, then she’s in your personal space. And that’s a great sign. Because she wouldn’t be there if she didn’t enjoy the feeling of being close to you.

Understanding Her Communication Signals: When She’s Hinting for a Kiss

While the body language signs she wants you to kiss are important, pay attention for other signs as well. For example, pay attention to how the girl communicates with you. Is she taking it on herself to keep the interaction going forward by asking you questions? Are her questions geared toward getting to know you on a deeper, more personal level? Is she laughing at jokes and comments you make that aren’t even funny? These can all be signs that the girl likes you and she may be looking for a kiss soon – if not already.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if a girl wants to be kissed?

A girl who wants to be kissed often gives off unmistakable signals, like lingering close to you and maintaining deep eye contact. It’s all about reading her body language and the energy between you. She might playfully touch your arm, lean in while you’re talking, or her eyes might dart down to your lips. It’s like a dance, and she’s matching your rhythm, inching ever closer. If the air crackles with tension and her gaze is inviting, she’s probably waiting for you to make your move.

How does a girl feel when kissing?

When a girl enjoys a kiss, she feels a whirlwind of exhilaration and a deep connection. Kissing can be an electrifying experience, where every gentle touch sends shivers down her spine. It’s a moment where the world fades away. And all that’s left is the sweet sensation of lips moving in harmony. It’s an intimate dance, a silent conversation filled with emotion and desire. If she’s into it, you can feel the warmth, the urgency, and the tender passion, telling you that this moment is just as magical for her.

How do you kiss a girl to make her want more?

To kiss a girl in a way that leaves her yearning for more, start with gentle, lingering kisses that build anticipation. The secret lies in the buildup; it’s about teasing and tempting, not rushing. Let your lips brush against hers softly at first, gradually increasing the intensity and passion. Pay attention to her responses and mirror her energy. It’s like a slow-burning fire. By taking your time and savoring each moment, you create a desire that leaves her longing for the next kiss.

How do you know if she enjoyed the kiss?

You can tell if she enjoyed the kiss by her reaction during and after. If she’s melting into the kiss, reciprocating your movements, or tightening her grip on you, she’s definitely into it. After the kiss, her flushed cheeks, dreamy smile, or lingering gaze are dead giveaways. It’s like she’s basking in the afterglow of a beautiful moment. If she’s quick to initiate another, or brings it up in conversation later, then you know the kiss was more than just enjoyable for her—it was memorable.

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